Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Australian Wine and I Might Fall In Love One Day

All I have to say is YELLOW TAIL....Y-E-L-L-O-W  T-A-I-L.

I totally agree with Paul Grieco, Wine Director of Hearth in New York City....

"Yes, there’s shite, and they ship it to us. For the small producers, we’re too big a country for them to deal with." 

I run the other way when I see Australian wine because I am not confident at all with what I am getting. So far, the bad rap doesn't even let me come close to buying a bottle for myself at a wine shop.

 Read more:   Paul Grieco on the Next Big Thing

Throwback to when I was on the cover of Beverage Media Magazine

Everything about this was fun! It was a highlight of my career in this business!